Level I (4 Modules)
Course Objectives:
• Learn to perform and teach the introductory & beginning exercises for mat, reformer, Cadillac/Tower, high & low chairs, small barrel, spine corrector, ladder barrel, wall and power circle.
• Learn how to teach a safe and effective mat and reformer class.
• Discover how to apply the 5 Part Formula for Success to ensure effective teaching.
• Ingrain teaching skills including tactile and verbal cueing, developing an ‘eye’, and
understanding progression.
• Review general anatomy and kinesiology terms, expand understanding of posture and
the Powerhouse.
• Explore the mechanism and effect of breathing on movement.
• Develop strategies for working with students who suffer from chronic lower back pain of
an unspecific nature
• Gain an understanding of how to use props in progression and for variation.
• Benefit from personalized coaching on live courses aimed at accelerating practical skills.
Course Pre-requisites: It is recommended, but not required, that the participant enters with an underpinning in basic anatomy gained through previous certifications in fitness and movement, or through an online or live anatomy course. Additionally, we recommend that the instructor take a minimum of 10 classical lessons or classes.
Registering: You may register for one module at a time. We highly recommend registering for each module a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the live module scheduled date. There is required online homework beore each live module.
Level I Module 1: $685 includes materials
(Note: Those who have Completed Basic Mat in the last year will receive a discount)
Module I dives into the history and benefits of Pilates, develops the foundation of working with Key Concepts and Fundamentals, starts building the Pilates vocabulary, and introduces teaches to the 5 Part Formula for Success which teaches the instructor HOW not just WHAT to teach. The introductory exercises for Mat, Reformer, Tower and Wall are learned and the instructor is prepared to begin practice teaching for Group Mat and Full Session private lessons.
Course Materials included with registration: Peak Pilates Introductory Virtual Manual, Exercise Pages and online video library for Intro Mat, Reformer, Tower, and Wall, Level I Mat Progressions online workout video, Full Session Online Video Workout, narrated PPT presentations, online audio tutorials, handouts, and the Module I Study Guide.
Level I Module 2: $685 includes materials
Module 2 curriculum expands upon the foundational concepts introduced in Module 1, and adds additional exercises on mat, reformer, and Cadillac, as well as introducing small barrel, ladder barrel, and Power Circle. The emphasis is on developing the instructors understanding of movement, cueing, spotting and touch technique is created through hands-on workshop activities that prepare participants to gain the skills needed in real life teaching.
Pre-Requisite: Completion of Module 1.
Course Materials included with registration: Module 2 Peak Pilates Online Exercise Library and Exercise Pages, Virtual Manual, Beginner Dynamic Mat online workout video, narrated PPT presentations, handouts, online audio tutorials, and the Module 2 Study Guide.
Level I Module 3: $685 includes materials
Module 3 places the teaching focus on refining teaching skills, exploring progression with additional Part C/ Individual Needs exercises on the Cadillac, spine corrector, ladder barrel, and chairs. The instructor moves beyond Full Session private instruction to exploring teaching entry level reformer classes for healthy students. Preparation for working with chronic lower back pain of an unspecific nature begins and sets the instructor up for working confidently with this common special populations.
Pre-Requisite: Completion of Modules 1 & 2.
Course Materials included with registration: Module 3 Peak Pilates Online Exercise Library, Exercise Pages, Study Guide, Virtual Manual, narrated PPT presentations and online audio tutorials.
Level I Module 4: $685 includes materials
Module 4 is the final leg of the Peak Pilates Level I Comprehensive Certification Program. Teachers have polished skills and are ready for Assessment of exercise technique, Group Mat and Reformer teaching, and Private Full Session teaching.
• 100% attendance of Modules 1, 2 and 3.
• Completion of all 100 required hours for observation, exercise technique practice,
teaching practice and assignments in the Study Guide for all modules.
• The Level I online theoretical exam must be completed prior to attending this module.
Course Materials: Level I Module 4 Study Guide, Module 4 Virtual Manual, Case Studies, Student Assessment Guide, Self-Evaluation Tools, and Practice Exam are included with registration.
The Peak Pilates Level I Comprehensive Instructor Certification is awarded upon successful completion of all required elements and assessments.